The Showkase Group provides business consultation in the areas of (1) Business start up and planning (2)Forming your business into sole proprietorship, LLC or Non profit (3)Software planning to manage your business (4)Exploring Business insurance to fit your mission (5)Developing personalize business forms to meet your business needs. (6)Grant Writing & supports for various grants sizes. (7)General Website creation using Weebly (8)Online Survey Assessments- we can also help you generate the questions (9)Link to Business Logo designs and Supports (10)Creating contracts supports & more
We also consult in areas of Life Skills, Supportive Employment for all ages. We are available to consult via phone or video conference. The Showkase Group LLC currently utilize Zoom and Microsoft team for virtual meetings. We offer competitive fees based on current market to help customer maximize needs.
Payment Solutions. The Showkase Group accepts online payment options using PayPal digital scan and invoice as well as the traditional credit card and debit cards. We also accept checks and money orders payable to Showkase Group LLC. Let get started today.